Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022): Somatic Cartography & Stories: Mapping Meaning onto the Body

					View Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022): Somatic Cartography & Stories: Mapping Meaning onto the Body

This issue of Pivot is the first to combine critical articles with various forms of creative writing and other media. Pivot's aim moving forward is to expand into a journal which combines critical thinking with creative expression and this issue represents the begining on a new chapter for the journal. "Somatic Cartography & Stories: Mapping Meaning onto the Body" was developed in collaboration with York University's English Graduate Student Association and uses the same title and theme as the associations' annual 2022 conference, which took place in May. Some of the critical articles from this issue come directly out of this conference but the papers represented here are not limited to what was presented at the conference. 

Published: 2022-10-17