Editorial Team

Olivia De Sanctis is our Layout Editor and Website Administer here at Pivot. She is currently completing her MA in English at York and is in the process of completing a Major Research Paper on innovations in the material conditions of contemporary experimental poetry. Her hobbies include writing poetry, reading (of course!), gardening and yoga. Her sun sign is Leo. 

Sana Mohsin a General Editor at Pivot and an MA student in English. She is interested in post-colonial thought, South Asian feminist texts, and her favourite writer Anne Carson. She likes reading, writing, and tea. 

Yasmina Jaksic is a General Editor at Pivot and an English PhD candidate at York. Her dissertation focuses on double consciousness in North American diasporic literature. She is also a writer of short fiction and poetry (and an Aquarius).

Jacob (Jay) Lundquist is a member of Pivot’s Editorial Board and is a Master’s student in English at York. Jay is currently interested in north Korean literature (with an emphasis on Marxist interpretations of fiction), and is writing an MRP on the language of north Korean memoirs. (Also a Leo.)

Sandra Lau is a member of Pivot’s Editorial Board and has an MA in English from York University. During her degree, she explored notions of waiting in Chinese and Chinese/North American literature, including immobility, deferral, metempsychosis, and destructive plasticity. She’s currently a writer of copy, food, poetry, and short fiction.