"Sketch", "What it takes to keep the mind going" and "Drag(a) de mama"


  • Clara Burghelea University of Texas at Dallas




These poems address the manner in which white space lives in harmony with words or in the margins/ in between the lines of the poems. A good portion of meaning is found outside the written words; together with line breaks they teach the reader how to read the poems out loud and inside their minds. In these poems, white space plays several roles: it is a stylistic technique, it asks the reader to actively read the poem, and it visually creates an aesthetic. 



How to Cite

Burghelea, C. (2023). "Sketch", "What it takes to keep the mind going" and "Drag(a) de mama". Pivot: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies and Thought, 10(1), 17–23. https://doi.org/10.25071/2369-7326.40368