Pivot Staff


Jacqueline Chia Alex Ferrone
Geoffrey MacDonald
Peer Review Editor
Jake Bermel

Layout Editor

Ben Lee Taylor

Website Administrator

Ben Lee Taylor

Website Design

Jackie Oshell

Logo Design

Peter Shanly


Tyler Ball
Jake Bermel
David Rego
Brianna Simpson
Julianna Will
Christine Zeng

Cover Image

Shoilee Khan
2017, acrylic on canvas

About Pivot

Pivot is an annual multidisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing innovative critical writing from emerging and established academics. Each issue encourages scholars from a wide range of fields to engage with a focused but multifaceted central topic, bringing into conversation their various disciplinary perspectives. By juxtaposing viewpoints and theoretical approaches that may otherwise remain disparate, Pivot creates a space in which readers can explore the intersections between various fields and modes of thought. Our mandate is to showcase scholarly work by graduate students and working academics, and to foster communication and cooperation between students and faculty across disciplinary boundaries. The topic of each issue corresponds with the theme of the York University English Graduate Program’s annual interdisciplinary conference. The journal invites contributions of scholarly articles relevant to the upcoming issue’s topic, in both English and French, from authors in all scholarly disciplines.

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